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机智的小鱼君讨论 | 贡献2019年6月10日 (一) 01:36的版本 (更新 分类:Races → 分类:种族 (自动))


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The Phantasma (幻想種(ファンタズマ), Fantasuma) are the second ranked race of the Exceed. Not much has been revealed about them, except that Avant Heim is one of the Phantasma. During the end of the Great War, they became allies with the Dwarf race, but only to destroy the Elf and Dragonia races that had recently became allies.


Avant Heim is the only known Phantasma up to date. His true form is similar to a giant whale, but from outside resembles a giant floating rock, and has the "right to infringe on others' sunlight and view" (as noted by Sora[1]).

Being the 2nd of Exceed, Phantasma is the highest ranked race second only to almighty Old Deus. Transcended over Elemental which formed the entire Disboard, Phantasma are entities that can appear as lifeforms or natural phenomenons as they're independent from Disboard's ecosystem. To further express their transcendence, the physical body of each Phantasmas can be considered as an entire different world despite still located in the planet themselves.


The Phantasma are as the second best of the races when it comes to magic affinity. They are able to overpower any of the races below them and are heavily connected with the spirit circuits.


Although not much is known about the Phantasma, it is assumed they also don't have any obvious weaknesses being the second ranked of the Exceed and having natural control over the Elementals/Spirit Circuits. However, they are able to be killed as the Elves created a spell that could kill multiple Phantasma during the Great War[2], and Jibril being the only known Flügel to have killed a Phantasma single handedly.


Not much is known about the history of Phantasma, but one Phantasma, Avant Heim, is used as home of the Flügel race.

List of Known Phantasma

  • Avant Heim
  • Insein Nebia


  • The definition of a Phantasma is a supernatural being, such as a ghost: apparition, bogey, bogeyman, bogle, eidolon, etc. Etc.


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